понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

craig northrop long and foster

Ugh, Iapos;ve been limping constantly the past couple of days. My right leg, like where the hip meets the, yapos;know actual LEG... Yeah, thatapos;s been sore. I�donapos;t know what Iapos;m doing wrong.

Chris is fantastic~
At least I can say publically (ish) now that weapos;re together without being together.
That thing on Myspace still pisses me off, though. Jesus, I hate putting all of my time and effort into something just to have it come out being exactly the same as before.

So, Iapos;m eating chicken risotto as I�type this. Itapos;s good, but not quite excellent. The rice seems slightly undercooked. I�know, itapos;s risotto, but itapos;s more undercooked that usual.

Iapos;ve apparently volunteered myself to go to New Jersey at some point within the next year or two with Chris and do -somethingorother- with a girl who lives there.
On one hand: Iapos;m glad he picked me to go with.
On the other hand:�What the hell am I�DOING?

Iapos;m getting dragged to Branson this weekend to see Bill Cosby live. Woo fun. /eyeroll
I�told my parents I didnapos;t want to go BEFORE�they bought the tickets. After they bought the tickets, it was like, "Amanda?"
"I�bought the Bill Cosby tickets today."
"You didnapos;t get one for me, right?"
"Yeah, we did."
"... Even after I�said I�DONapos;T�WANT�TO�GO?"

Theyapos;re so fucking dumb. Man, I�hate living here. Iapos;M SAVING YOU MONEY. ACCEPT IT. Or at least give whatever I�let you save back to me so I�can go spend it on worthwhile things, things that I�actually want.
-cough- Christurning18. -cough-

I�got my ACT packet today. YAY�FILLING�OUT�STUPID�QUESTIONS. There are some really dumb ones in there, too. Especially under the "Interests"�section. Iapos;d type them up, but thatapos;s probably breaking some law at some GPS�point in Antarctica.

RAINBOW�NERDS. I have a box. I�love them so.

I�brought Chris a bag of peanut butter cookies today. Jeremy kept making this weird sound about it. Envy or something? Heapos;s always trying to get me to admit I�still like Chris. I hope he remains consistently unsuccessful. .v. With the way I�break into gigglefits when Iapos;m embarrassed though, I�know Iapos;m not going to be able to be successful.

So, Iapos;m out. FWOOSHADOODLE.
Catch you bitches on the flip side~
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