понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

craig northrop long and foster

Ugh, Iapos;ve been limping constantly the past couple of days. My right leg, like where the hip meets the, yapos;know actual LEG... Yeah, thatapos;s been sore. I�donapos;t know what Iapos;m doing wrong.

Chris is fantastic~
At least I can say publically (ish) now that weapos;re together without being together.
That thing on Myspace still pisses me off, though. Jesus, I hate putting all of my time and effort into something just to have it come out being exactly the same as before.

So, Iapos;m eating chicken risotto as I�type this. Itapos;s good, but not quite excellent. The rice seems slightly undercooked. I�know, itapos;s risotto, but itapos;s more undercooked that usual.

Iapos;ve apparently volunteered myself to go to New Jersey at some point within the next year or two with Chris and do -somethingorother- with a girl who lives there.
On one hand: Iapos;m glad he picked me to go with.
On the other hand:�What the hell am I�DOING?

Iapos;m getting dragged to Branson this weekend to see Bill Cosby live. Woo fun. /eyeroll
I�told my parents I didnapos;t want to go BEFORE�they bought the tickets. After they bought the tickets, it was like, "Amanda?"
"I�bought the Bill Cosby tickets today."
"You didnapos;t get one for me, right?"
"Yeah, we did."
"... Even after I�said I�DONapos;T�WANT�TO�GO?"

Theyapos;re so fucking dumb. Man, I�hate living here. Iapos;M SAVING YOU MONEY. ACCEPT IT. Or at least give whatever I�let you save back to me so I�can go spend it on worthwhile things, things that I�actually want.
-cough- Christurning18. -cough-

I�got my ACT packet today. YAY�FILLING�OUT�STUPID�QUESTIONS. There are some really dumb ones in there, too. Especially under the "Interests"�section. Iapos;d type them up, but thatapos;s probably breaking some law at some GPS�point in Antarctica.

RAINBOW�NERDS. I have a box. I�love them so.

I�brought Chris a bag of peanut butter cookies today. Jeremy kept making this weird sound about it. Envy or something? Heapos;s always trying to get me to admit I�still like Chris. I hope he remains consistently unsuccessful. .v. With the way I�break into gigglefits when Iapos;m embarrassed though, I�know Iapos;m not going to be able to be successful.

So, Iapos;m out. FWOOSHADOODLE.
Catch you bitches on the flip side~
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

baptist pastor salary

I love taking naps.
Love them.

I love laying down and sleeping for a little bit when thereapos;s nothing else to do.
I love sleeping when itapos;s light out.

But I hate falling alseep when itapos;s light out, and waking while itapos;s dark.

I started napping at 4:45 because I didnapos;t feel like doing anything else.
It was a cool, sunny, beautiful day out.
Now, itapos;s about 8:30.
Itapos;s dark.

I feel like I wasted the day.
I feel like...I donno.
I just feel really bummed out and disappointed in myself.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

asume en puerto rico

My dog had a leaf stuck to her tail and she tried chasing her tail to get it. Well she chased her tail so many times that once she stopped she was so dizzy...and fell over. It was funny. Iapos;ve never seen anything like that before. Wish I had it on video.

On a side note: I have almost my entire Halloween costume for my friendsapos; Halloween party and finally got fabrics for my "at work" Halloween costume. Yes, an at work costume cause my manager said we can dress up for work. So Iapos;ve decided on Jill Valentine. My husband, of all people, found the perfect fabric for the top and heapos;s getting me some fake guns they use for training at work. Ahh the military. It wonapos;t be 100, but itapos;ll be close enough. I have to make the skirt longer as well so it can be considered more appropriate work clothes. Lol. Weapos;ll see how itapos;ll look.

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